About Me

Hi,  and welcome to my blog, Daisy’s World, where I document the delicious things in my life!

I am an avid cook, baker, and self-taught photographer. Through Daisy’s World, I hope to inspire my readers to make delicious gourmet recipes that are simple and easy to make using fresh, seasonal ingredients.  My lifelong love of food led me to attend the California School of Culinary Arts, in Pasadena, California, where I graduated with High Honors.  Although I am not in the food industry, I am extremely passionate about food, cooking, and eating.

My kitchen is a happy place, where I can express my creativity and flair, and I thank you, my readers, for letting me share my stories and recipes with you.

I am fortunate to live in the Southern California area with my husband, Chris.  We enjoy travelling, trying new restaurants, and cooking together.

Have a look around and I hope you enjoy my world!


Email me: daisyt13 [at] gmail [dot] com

80 thoughts on “About Me

  1. Hi Daisy, I was recommended your blog via wordpress and it’s been a fab read. I am just starting up my own blog and was wondering if you could help me?…How did you create your ‘Follow and Connect’ area on the ‘widgets sidebar’ with the little pintrest buttons etc. Any advise would be greatly appreciated. Thank you, Isobelle 🙂

  2. Hi Daisy, WordPress suggested that I follow you and I’m glad that I did! Your blog is gorgeous, love your photography and the way that you treat food with total respect and creativity. I’m looking forward to reading through your archives. Gorgeous! Thanks for sharing your passion with us! Laura xx

  3. Hello Daisy,
    your blog is a brief of fresh air in the blogosphere where everybody wants to teach how to cook, what to eat, how to dress, who to like lol.
    It’s honest, simple, generous and humble. Don’t change a thing!

    With all the love from Guadeloupe Islands.


  4. Hi Daisy,

    I instantly fell in love when I set eyes on your blog.. I have been following you from a while now… It gives me immense pleasure to nominate you for the “Shine On” award.. Its needless for me to mention how much I enjoy your blog & recipe’s…keep rocking the blogging world with your super awesome recipe’s.. 🙂

    Check out the details on accepting this award at – http://kelipaan.com/awards/


  5. HI Daisy!! what a nice surprise to see your comment in my blog!! I really love your blog!! I discovered in Pinterest last year and had been following since then! so thanks so much for sharing this recipe! your corndogs looks absolutly delicious,I can’t wait to try making then!
    Love, Agus

  6. Hallo Daisy i’m Amelia and i live in Treviso, Italy. Sorry for my english. Your blog it is very interesting. Can i your link? Can i live my link: marypoppins1968.wordpress.com? thank you very much.

    • Gwynne, thank you so much for your nomination. Your words are so sweet and very touching. It has been a real pleasure to share recipes to people like you who have a real appreciation for food, cooking, and camaraderie.

      Thanks, again.


  7. I am Daisy too 🙂 . And I also love to cook .What are the odds 🙂

    I went through your side as I was browsing the net for food blogs and landed in your page 🙂

  8. Really beautiful pictures. I am a professional chef and blogger but I just can’t seem to get the picture taking part right. It really makes all the difference. Jealously eying your pics….

  9. Hey Daisy, i have a similiar background also! Was in graphic design and pre-press in NYC for 17 years, then graduated from the bread program at the French Culinary Institute and have been working in the industry for over a year now. Started my blog to scratch the old photography and design itch. Beautiful blog, keep up the good work!

  10. I love your blog, as you know! I should also say that thanks to you (and to your year-end roundup) I screwed up the courage to finally submit some photos to Food Gawker and Taste Spotting. Good lord, my stats are through the roof! So thank you for that as well. xx

    • Yaaaay, for you! I think one of the best things about blogging is the inspiration that we get from one another. Someone asked me once if I felt that blogging was a competition. My response was that for me, it was the opposite. It is about learning from one another and being inspired by others to cook and bake something with my personal touch. I’m glad I’ve encouraged you to do something a little bit out of your norm. I love when I get a photo approved, but sometimes they “reject” something that I think is perfectly good. I know it is subjective, based on so many factors, but I feel that I am putting myself out there and being “rejected” based on lighting or composition sucks! Do they not know I spent twenty minutes on that photo and that my husband was starving and his food got cold? 🙂

      • That’s exactly how I feel (about the photos)! But it’s a learning process, I guess. I agree with you about blogging — I feel so fortunate to be connecting with so many wonderful people and cooks and writers and photographers — it’s a lovely community, and I learn from other bloggers every day.

  11. Hi Daisy
    I’m just an old widdower (81) who loves cooking and baking.
    Found your Santa Hat Brownies recipe.
    Never seen before in this part of the world (Copenhagen – Denmark).
    Will bake to-morrow, when a lot of kids is coming to visit me.

  12. Pingback: I brownies di Babbo Natale | Fare casa

  13. love the santa hat brownies — what a simple idea with a big wow factor. i’m going to make them for our christmas eve reception at church. thanks so much.

  14. Hi Daisy,
    I am writing in a travel blog for the french market and i am preparing an article on DIY for Christmas. I love the idea of the Santa Hat Brownies and would like to use the picture you have published on your website. Of course, we would be happy to link it to your website. Please note that the article will be published in french, english, spanish and italian : http://blog.edreams.fr/

    Kind Regards,

  15. Hi Daisy,

    A friend of mine on FB showed these cute little santa Hat Brownies and since I love fruit and colourful treats – Hmmm…. I’ll have to give these a try too! I’m looking at some of your other yummy treat idea’s and love your site – all the very best to achieving your goals..and have a very Merry Christmas!!
    Warmly, Jackie

    • Thank you so much, Jackie! I hope you enjoy the recipes you try and that you let me know how you made them your own. I love hearing how other cooks tweak recipes to give it their personal touch.

  16. Hi Daisy,

    I clicked on a link a friend had posted about your santa hat brownies. I love your recipes and have bookmarked your site for further reading. Just what this foodie needed to read today 🙂

    Thank you so much for sharing!

  17. I also stumbkled across your blog today and now have 8 different tabs open with your yummy sweets recipies – can’t wait to start entertaining this holiday season to share all my new finds!
